Senin, 13 April 2015

Tutorial Instalisasi Windows Xp SP 3 pada VWmare Workstation.

Tutorial Installing Windows XP SP3 on VMware Workstation.

 install windows 7 virtual machine
We need to know technology is growing therefore we must go forward not only a spectator. You need to know here we will do a simple instalisasi using Virtual Mechaine that laymen have. Below are the stages of the simple, easy to learn.

  1.   Open your VMware Workstation, this screenshot.

2. Klik New Virtual Machine Wizard, this screenshot.

3. Choose Typical(Recommended), klik Next, this screenshot.

1.       4. Choose Installer disc image file(iso),  search your file Windows Xp SP3 for Browser, Klik Next 

      5.  Write Windows product key “KWTDY-HYHVW-M9TGD-WYBPT-H7HGQ”. Fill up your full name. Password and Confirm nothing filed also. Kilik Next.

1.       6. Change Virtual machine name not problem, Location up browser, klik Next.

1.       7. Maximum use of the hard disk on this VWmare. Klik Next.

1.       8. You can change the specification that you install on the Customize Hardware…

1.       9. Proses Instalasi. Loading. Waiting for desktop.

 10. Finish Instalation.

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